This weekend is Thanksgiving weekend, which means the annual LosCon convention in Los Angeles, which has been held at the LAX Marriott hotel for more than 20 years running (after moving from the Burbank Airport Hilton). This year’s convention does see jms appearing on a couple of panels, one on writing for Genre TV on Friday, and a Writing Workshop Q&A on Saturday. He’ll probably be hanging around a bit as well. If you are in the Los Angeles area, best to go check it out. Other B5 related guests include Marc Scott Zicree, doing a presentation on Space Command, and David Gerrold, who will be on several panels through the weekend.
Twenty years ago at LosCon, fans got a preview of the full Babylon 5 pilot, and had some of the actors there as well. jms didn’t really post at length about it, though, but did answer a question about the actor’s reaction to the appearance:
Well, Pat had been to other cons before, so it wasn’t that new an experience for her, ditto for Mojo (Pat’s connection came via her work on Romero films). It was Jerry’s first experience, though, and he did seem quite astonished by it all (as much as Jerry is astonished by anything, which ain’t much). But they all seemed pleased and gratified by the reaction.
Surprisingly, a search on Google Groups doesn’t turn up any reports on the screening. There were likely posts on GEnie and Compuserve about it, but those have not been archived anywhere that I am aware of.